Workstation Options Local Data & Files

Unless you have a network installation, the directory information is defaulted to the proper location. The Lookup and CAMEO® directories are optional.

  1. Select the Tools menu, Workstation Options option.
  2. Click the Local Data & Files tab.
  3. Press Database to specify the location of the database directory.

    Information on specifying the location of the directory is available in Select Directory.

    The specified location will be used next time FH is accessed. If you are temporarily switching between databases, you should change the database directory via the Login form as you are accessing FH.

  4. (Optional) Specify the lookup code table location.

    The lookup code tables are stored in the Database directory by default.

    Note: Allow FH to manage this location unless you have specific reasons for doing otherwise.  

    1. Check Use an alternate location for lookup tables... to specify a directory for lookup code tables.
    2. Press Lookup. The Alternate Lookup Location form is displayed.
    3. Press Lookup and specify the location of the lookup directory, then press OK.

      Information on specifying the location of the directory is available in Select Directory.

    4. Press OK.
  5. (Optional) Specify where your CAMEO data is stored.

    FH will use CAMEO data (not compatible with the CAMEO version) in chemical inventory records added for occupancy records.

    1. Press CAMEO® Data. The Cameo Data form is displayed.
    2. Press CAMEO Data, specify the directory location then press OK.

    3. Press OK.
  6. Press System to specify the location of the system directory.

    Workstation options are stored in the system directory.

  7. Press Queries to specify the location of the queries directory.
  8. Press Reports to specify the location of the reports directory.
  9. Press Help to specify the location of the online help directory.
  10. Check Enable local caching to create local copies of the System and Lookup components, then press Cache... and specify the location (c:\program files\firehouse software\cache is the default).

    The cache feature is useful when the Database and System components are located on a network, and you wish to use local copies of these components rather than running the components across a network.

  11. Check Check for duplicate or misplaced tables or databases on startup to enable FH file validation at startup.

    Information about file validation is available in Validate File Locations

    Note: The validation will be slow at workstations connected to FH databases via low speed connections. Consider disabling Check for duplicate at these workstations.

  12. Check Use transactions for data updates to enable transaction processing.

    Transaction processing enables multiple system actions within FH to be treated as a single step, simplifying certain recovery procedures should errors arise.

    Example: If you modify values for several fields for an incident report the update is treated as a single transaction. If one of the values in the transaction fails to be saved, none of the other transaction values are applied. To optimize performance, leave this option disabled.

  13. Press OK.


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