Specifying Administrative Options Database Key Values

  1. Select the Administration menu, Administrative Options option.
  2. Click the Database tab, then the Key Values tab.
  3. For each listed table check Auto-Gen? to automatically generate the key counter when new records of the specified type are created.

    Table Name is the name of the table the key counter is stored in. Field Name is the name of the field the key counter is stored in.

  4. Specify the Key Format for the key counter.

    Numeric only allows numbers. Alpha-Numeric allows a combination of letters and numbers (when selected, the key counter will use text from a key text field, and pad the remainder of the key counter with a number).

  5. Specify the Key Length of the key counter.

    A six-character numeric key counter will look like 000001, while the same key counter value would look like 0000000001 if it were 10 characters.

  6. Press OK.


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