Import State Transaction File

A transaction file is a special text file containing NFIRS fire or EMS records. Transaction files are created from FH via Export NFIRS 5.0 Transaction File. Note that other incident reporting software is also capable of creating incident transaction files.

Note: This option should not be used as a method for importing Fire or EMS records from one station to another (use Import From and Export To to do this). Importing NFIRS and/or EMS transaction files is for state and regional collection centers collecting incidents from reporting departments.

Below is the procedure for manually importing transaction files. You can use automated tasks to simplify this task.

Tip: Set up an automated task for each method of transaction file delivery. For diskettes, the automated task should not move the transaction files after they are processed if you want to archive all received diskettes. Transaction files received via email should be stored in one folder and moved to a separate folder once processed (FH can be directed to do this automatically).

Example: A folder named EmailFD indicates how the file was received, and a folder called ProcdFD indicates that the transaction file was processed.

Note: If automated tasks are used, be sure to disable Show messages during interactive processing.

Note that transaction files imported will be evaluated based on the requirements you have set up for your system. For this reason, we recommend removing all requirements.

Example: If you require 911 used codes via the Administration Options form Incident section, transaction files that lack 911 used codes (which are not required for NFIRS 5.0 incidents) will be rejected since your system requires this data.

  1. From the File menu, select the NFIRS 5.0 Incident Reporting option, then Import NFIRS Transaction File option.

    The NFIRS 5.0 Import form is displayed.

    Note: EMS incident transactions are created from the File menu, EMS/ Search & Rescue report, then Import EMS Transaction File option. The FH 5.0 EMS Import form is displayed. The process for importing an EMS transaction file is the same as importing a NFIRS transaction file.

  2. Press File... to display a file dialog for selecting the file to import.

    Wildcards are acceptable. The wildcard character (an asterisk “*”) allows any character to be selected.

    Example: *.* will select all files that have a period in them, regardless of the characters before and after the period.

    When there are department information transaction files and incident transaction files in the same directory, and wildcards are used in such a way that both types are imported, FH automatically reads the files and imports department information files first (since incident transaction files cannot be accepted until the department information has been imported).

    For a complete list of what is included and the file structure, see “National Fire Incident Reporting System; Version 5.0 Design Documentation” from the USFA.

    Note: We recommend that you use wildcards when importing, to be assured that department information files are imported first.

  3. Press Options tab to display the Options section.
  4. Press Directory... and select the directory to move the processed files to.

    The selected directory is a backup source directory for safe storage of imported department and incident files.

  5. Check Automatically add staff ID numbers from incident transaction files as needed only if you wish to create staff records from responding personnel information included in the transaction file.

    Caution: Not recommended for states, since this option results in additional records that are not needed for state purposes.

  6. Check Automatically add unit ID numbers from incident transaction files as needed only if you wish to add units from responding unit information included in the transaction file.

    Caution: Not recommended for states, since this option results in additional records that are not needed for state purposes.

  7. Check Automatically add address components to lookups from incident transaction files as needed to add addresses in an incident file to the state import address lookup.

    Note: This may be useful if the state will be entering any paper incident reports for a department, but will result in very large lookup tables.

  8. Check Add record as incomplete if rule validation fails to import incidents, even if the incidents lack data required to pass validation.

    Tip: If you opt to import records that fail validation, you can run the Incomplete Incident Report List report for a specific FDID to display incomplete incidents and provide the department in question with specific reasons that the incident report failed validation. The report can also be added as an automated task that prints all incomplete incident reports periodically so you can monitor incident reports submitted with missing information.

  9. Check Show messages during interactive processing to display warnings and error messages encountered during the import process of an incident or departmental file.

    Tip: Turning this option off during the import process may hurry the importing of a large amount of records. If importing is an automated task, this option should be deactivated.

  10. Check Flag new incidents as exported to mark imported incidents as already exported.

    Incidents marked as exported will not be included in transaction export files.

  11. Check Skip departmental files during import to skip importing department files when encountered.

    The department information where the incident originated still need to be imported one time.

  12. Check Activity Code to use for imported staff activities to create a staff activity record with a specified activity code.

    Caution: Not recommended for states, since this option results in additional records that are not needed for state purposes.

  13. Check Import state user field transactions to include user-defined field values.

    Note: Choose this option only if state-specific user-defined fields above and beyond the NFIRS 5.0 specification have been required for departments.

    Warning: If your state opts to collect fields not included in the NFIRS 5.0 specification, your system needs to be modified to include these additional fields, and the department reporting packages distributed to departments needs to be modified to include the additional fields. Contact your FH representative for details.

  14. Check Import local user field transactions to include local user-define field values.

    Caution: Not recommended for states, since this option results in additional records that are not needed for state purposes.


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