Add Station

Station information is used to store required NFIRS and/or EMS information for transaction files submitted to the state, and to insert supplementary information into new records that use the station code. At least one station needs to be set up and marked as "Central', and include FDID, City, State, ZIP, and FIPS County before you can submit incident transaction files.

  1. Choose the Administration menu, Administrative Options... option.

    The Administrative Options form is displayed.

    Tip: Stations can be added like other lookup codes (the stations code is available under the system-wide lookup tables).

  2. Press Add.

    The Code for Stations form is displayed.

  3. Type a Code and Station Name.

    Note: You must enter an FDID if this station submits NFIRS transaction files. We recommend entering an EMS Service # if one is available.

  4. Type an FDID.
  5. Complete address information.

    City, State, ZIP Code, and FIPS County are required if this station is marked as a Central Station.

  6. Check Central Station if this station will export incident transactions.

    Note: Multiple Central Stations are only necessary in specialized circumstances.

    Example: State fire marshal's offices will have multiple central stations. FH will not allow the same FDID in more than one Central Station record.

  7. Check Department of Defense if the reporting station is a military installation.

    Note: When checked, the State field must be DD.

  8. Complete remaining information.

    Some of the fields will be automatically inserted into new records, simplifying data entry.

    Note: To ensure that the supplementary field values are inserted into new records, you must also access the Workstation Options form, Desktop section, and enter the station's Code in the This workstation is physically located at station field.

  9. Press Save to return to the Administrative Options form.


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