Search Query Results

You can search for a specific record in a query.

  1. Access the Query dialog box in one of these ways.

    • From the Tools menu, choose Queries option.
    • Pressing Browse from a data entry form

    The Queryform is displayed.

  2. Press .

    The Find In Grid form is displayed.

    All fields added to the query (as listed in the Query Designer form, Fields section) are listed in the Search in column area. You can search for specific records that contain a value in any of the fields listed in the Search in column area.

  3. Highlight the field to search for a specific value in the Search in column area.
  4. Depending on the type of data in the field you select, different selection options are available.

    • For character fields, specify the value to seek in the For Text field.
    • For date fields, specify the date or date range in the For Date Between field
    • For numeric fields, specify the value or values in the For Number Between field.
    • For logical fields, specify the value to seek in the For Logical Value field.
  5. Press Find to display records that match the entered criteria.


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