Use Staff Group Select Staff Master Section

The Staff Master section displays staff members matching criteria you add to the section. The Staff Master section is the default section used to select available staff members.

  1. Add specific values for the Status, FDID, Station, Shift, Unit fields.

    Staff members with matching criteria are listed to the left (unless the staff member record is designated as hidden).

    By default, the staff member is included in the list if the corresponding field in the staff member’s record is blank.

  2. (Optional) Press Save Criteria As.... to save the values for the Status, FDID, Station, Shift, Unit entries as a set.

    Tip: This saved criteria can be selected from the drop down field. Select saved criteria and the values for each field saved with the set are applied. When you wish to modify a set of criteria, change the values in the appropriate fields and press Update Criteria... to modify the saved criteria.

  3. Check Match Criteria Exactly to include staff in the list only if the values you specify exactly match the corresponding fields in the staff member record.

    If the field in the staff member’s record is blank and you specify a value, the record is excluded.

  4. Check View Hidden Staff Members to include the staff member records that are designated as hidden.

    Tip: A staff member record is designated as hidden from the Staff Member form, Other section.

  5. Check Limit the list of staff members available on... and specify a date and/or time to use as criteria for listing staff.

    FH reviews the staff member’s availability record. If a staff member has a specific availability record indicating that the staff member is not available at the entered date and/or time, they are excluded. Staff members without availability records are listed when they meet other criteria regardless of the date and/or time unless Match Criteria Exactly is checked.


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