Use Staff Group Select Saved Groups Section

The Saved Groups section displays staff that have been added as a group. To display staff for a group. display the Saved Groups section, then select the group name.

You can create or edit a group in any of the Staff Group Select form sections when staff are listed. When a list of staff is displayed in the Staff Group Select form:

  1. Select multiple staff to add to group by pressing Ctrl while selecting.

    A staff member is selected when the name is highlighted.

  2. Press Save Group As... and type a name for the group.
  3. The group name you typed is added to the Saved Groups section.
  4. (Optional) Edit a saved group with the steps below.

    1. Highlight the group in the Saved Group section.
    2. Press Save Group As....
    3. Type the name of the group you wish to edit.
    4. Press Yes to the overwrite prompt.


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