Run Reports

  1. From the Reports menu, select the area containing the report.

    The Reports form is displayed.

    Tip: Add frequently run reports to your report shortcuts to save time. Information on adding report shortcuts is available in Add A Report Shortcuts.

  2. Highlight the report, then press Run.

    The Output Report To form is displayed.

  3. Select an output format.

    • Screen: Display report on screen.
    • Default Printer: Send report to Windows default printer.
    • Select Printer...: Display a dialog for selecting a printer.
    • HTML (Graphical): Create an HTML document.
    • PDF: Create a PDF document (readable using the free Acrobat Reader program).

    If the report has special formatting requirements, such as it must be printed in landscape mode to fit, you may to use stored printer settings. Information on using stored printer settings is available in Use Stored Printer Settings.

  4. (If you are sending the report to a printer) Select Default Printer or Select Printer.

    The Printer form is displayed if you select Select Printer.

  5. (If you need to change default printer settings and you selected Default Printer) Press Printer Setup...
  6. (If you selected PDF or HTML (Graphical)) Do the following.

    1. Specify the location and name for the file.
    2. Optionally check Send File via Email.
    3. Optionally check Send File via FTP.
  7. Press OK.

    If the report includes user-specified filters, the Query Parameters form is displayed.

    Note: Query parameters allow you to add criteria so only records that meet the criteria are included on the report. For each listed parameter, you can specify a criteria operator (for example, equal to, less than, etc.), and enter a value. Information on operators is available in Criteria Operators.

    1. Check Not to include records that do not have the value specified in the Value field.

      Lookup values, if available, can be displayed by pressing in the ? column.

    2. Check Case to ignore capitalization of the parameter value.

    3. Specify "And" or "Or" in Logical.

      "And" is most common, "Or" will result in values if either parameter values is present, "And" will exclude values if either parameter value isn't present.

  8. Press Add to add additional parameters, or press OK to run the report using the specified parameter values.

    Leaving a parameter without a specified value includes all available records (that is, will not exclude any records). Screen output is displayed in the FH workspace, and printed output is directed to the specified printer.


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