Hose Testing based on NFPA 1962

Specialized hose testing records are available for all "Hose" inventory type records. You specify the inventory type in the Specs... section of the Inventory form. Information on hose specifications is available in Add Hose Specifications based on NFPA 1962.

  1. Select the File menu, Apparatus Equipment & Inventory option, then the Apparatus Equipment & Inventory option.

    The Apparatus, Equipment, and Inventory form is displayed.

  2. Press Open to display a list of available equipment records.
  3. Select the record to test.
  4. Press the Maintenance/Test tab.

    A list of maintenance and scheduled maintenance records is displayed.

  5. Press Add below the Maintenance area.

    The Maintenance/Test Detail form is displayed.

  6. Type or lookup a Maint/Test Job Code.
  7. Select either Scheduled or Completed.
  8. Complete additional details as needed.
  9. Press Maintenance/Test tab.

    At a minimum, a value needs to be entered in Test Pressure.

  10. Press Save, then Close.


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