Download files needed for the installation

Note: When you purchased FH Web, you were sent an email from FIREHOUSE Software with a link for downloading a .ZIP file containing the FH Web components you need to install. You will need this email to perform the steps below.

You will also need to download the .exe files from the FIREHOUSE Software ftp site.

  1. Open the email you were sent from FIREHOUSE Software with a link for downloading a .ZIP file containing the FH Web components you need to install.
  2. Follow the directions in the email for downloading and unzipping the file to a location on your computer.

  3. Depending on whether you are using the 32- or 64-bit version of FH Web Server, in a web browser, download the appropriate version of FH Web Connection Manager to a location on your hard drive.

    Bit version Download
    FH Web Server 64-bit Edition fhweb-host.windows_x64.exe
    FH Web Server 32-bit Edition fhweb-host.windows_x86.exe
    FH Web Macintosh client fhweb-client.mac.dmg
    FH Web Windows client
  4. Click Save and specify a location for the file on the hard drive of the FH Web server.

    The Download Complete dialog box appears.

  5. Close the dialog box, and then close browser window.
  6. Continue with Install the FH Web components.