View location information

You can view the information about any location on map, such as its street address, latitude and longitude, US National Grid number, and the weather at that location. Weather information is drawn from the closest National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or automatic weather station (AWS), and the station's location also appears on the map.

  1. Do one of the following.

    • Choose Go → Tools → Map Commands → Location Information.
    • (Premium) On the Main ribbon, click Location Information.

    The Location Information pane appears on the right side of the interface.

  2. Under Location, determine the location you want information for in one of these ways.

  3. (Optional) Click the expand/contract arrow in each section of the Location Information pane to view or hide portions of the pane.

  4. (Optional) Under Weather, click Update In to force an immediate update of the weather information displayed.

  5. (Optional, if the location of the weather station is not visible on the map) Under Weather, click Show Station.

    Your view of the map zooms out until the location of the weather station at the other end of the red line is visible.


Display location information in the status bar