Log into the FH Medic administration web site

When you purchased FH Medic, you were sent an email containing a URL and login credentials to access your department's FH Medic administration web site. You do not need to install software to use or access the administration web site.

  1. In a web browser, go to http://ww3.managemyepcr.com/FHMedicAdminv3/Home.aspx.

  2. In User name and Password, type the user name you were sent for accessing the FH Medic administration web page.
  3. Click Log In.

    The FH Medic administration Home page appears.

    The News and Additional Information sections of the page contain any announcements or updates from the FIREHOUSE Software support team that needs to be communicated to the FH Medic administrators. This information is posted by the FIREHOUSE Software support team when needed.

  4. Do any of the following.