Edit or delete an activity

You can modify an activity if needed (for example, a staff member does not report for duty). If additional staff members are added to a shift, or if defaults change, these changes need to be manually added to the activity or added through an automated task.

Note: In the Administrative Options dialog box, on the Staff tab, on the Scheduling sub-tab, under Scheduling Options, if Automatically lock duty activities created through scheduling is selected, then only users with administrative access users are able to make changes to an activity.

  1. (If you have not done so already) Specify the schedule, date, time, and shift to work with.
  2. On the right side of the dialog box, click Create/Edit Activity.

    The Staff Activity dialog box appears, displaying the existing activity and its associated information.

  3. Edit the fields in the dialog box as necessary.

    Information on the fields in the Staff Activity dialog box is available in the FH online Help, in the Add Non-Incident Staff Activity and Add Incident Staff Activity topics.

  4. Click Save, and then click Close.