Add or update codes in lookup tables

Note: If you replaced your existing EMS codes with the NEMSIS code set, skip the steps below and go to Update EMS service numbers.

When you decided to map your existing EMS codes to the NEMSIS code set, no new NEMSIS codes are added to your lookup tables. Now you need to manually add these lookup codes, so that they are available during data entry.

  1. Choose Tools → Lookup Tables.

    The Lookup Tables dialog box appears.

  2. Expand Incident Report Codes → EMS/Search & Rescue Incident Report Codes, and then highlight Agency Time Zone.

    Caution: Be careful to highlight Agency Time Zone with a single left-mouse click. If you double-click the option, the lookup dialog box that appears does not allow you to add or update preset codes.

  3. Click Options → Install Export EMS/Search & Rescue Incident Codes.

    The Preset Lookup Codes - Agency Time Zone dialog box appears.

  4. Select the appropriate codes for your area, and then click OK.

  5. In the Lookup Tables dialog box, scroll down and highlight Organizational Status.
  6. Click Options → Install Export EMS/Search & Rescue Incident Codes.

    The Preset Lookup Codes - Organizational Status dialog box appears.

  7. Select the appropriate codes for your area, and then click OK.

  8. In the Lookup Tables dialog box, highlight Organizational Type.
  9. Click Options → Install Export EMS/Search & Rescue Incident Codes.

    The Preset Lookup Codes - Organizational Type dialog box appears.

  10. Select the appropriate codes for your area, and then click OK.

  11. Click Close.
  12. Continue with Update EMS service numbers.