Hide Staff From Browse List

When you check Hide this individual from staff group select and availability lookup in a staff member's record (Staff form, Other... section) the staff member will be excluded from lists for adding responding personnel to incidents. The staff member will still be listed in staff browse lists when browsing available staff members. To exclude 'hidden' staff from staff browse lists:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Queries... .

    The Queries form is displayed.

  2. Select the Staff, Activity and Training Queries category, then select the Staff Member Queries category.
  3. Highlight the default query (bold-faced blue text), then press Properties.

    The Query Designer form is displayed.

  4. Select the Filter tab, then press Add.
  5. Press the down arrow in the Source column, and select the Stf_Main.Hide field.
  6. In the Target column, type .F.

    Note: There is a period before and after "F".

  7. Press Save, then Close.

    The query is saved and highlighted in the Queries form.

  8. Press Run to view the queries.

    All 'hidden' staff are excluded from this list.

    When browsing available staff, the default query for Staff will now exclude 'hidden' staff members. To access a 'hidden' staff member record, you will need to use a query other than the default.


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