Void a refund

Note: If the payment that the refund is applied to is set to VOID, the refund is also set to VOID because there is no longer a payment to apply it to.

  1. (If one is not open already) Open an existing account record.
  2. Click the Payments/Refunds tab.

  3. Under Refunds, select the refund you want to void, and then click Open.

    The Refund dialog box appears.

  4. Choose Form → Mark Payment As → VOID Payment.

    A warning dialog box that the refund is about to be voided appears.

  5. Click Yes.

    The statement This refund has been marked VOID appears in red text, near the top and center of the Refund dialog box.

  6. In the Refund dialog box, click Close.
  7. In the Account dialog box, click Save, and then click Close.