Specifying layout text substitutions

Layout text substitutions can be specified on the server to map between client and server keyboard layout names. These substitutions can be used to:

  • Overcome differences in layout text names on different versions of Windows.

  • Substitute an ANSI name for a keyboard layout that has a UNICODE name.

    Example: When specifying a keyboard layout with a UNICODE name through the keyboard applet parameter in an ASCII HTML page, it is necessary to substitute an ASCII name for the UNICODE name.

Keyboard layout substitutions are specified under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ACSXerox\FH Web Edition\System\Keyboard\Layout\Substitutes registry key. Each REG_SZ value within this key has the name of a GGII, and the value is the name of a layout text from the server that should be used in place of the client name.