Client keyboard mapping files

The FH Web Edition client uses keyboard mapping files on Linux, Macintosh OS X, and Windows CE to ensure that the proper keyboard layout is loaded on the host, and that the correct key codes are sent for each key press and release. Keyboard mapping files provide support for new keyboards to be added by simply copying a new keyboard mapping file to the client. Keyboard mapping files are installed into the /etc/fhweb-client/kbd directory of these clients. An internal version of the us.kbm keyboard mapping file is used if a keyboard mapping file is not found.

These clients can automatically load keyboard mapping files based on information obtained from the operating system.

Client OS Native install Browser plug-in install Default
Layout obtained by


/etc/ FH_Web/kbd

~/.mozilla/ FH_Web/kbd


Environment variable or automatically from the OS

Mac OS X

/etc/ FH_Web/kbd

/etc/ FH_Web/kbd


Environment variable or automatically from the OS

Windows CE

/ACSXerox/FH Web Edition Client/kbd



Automatically from the OS


Environment Variable Description


Specifies the fully qualified path name of the mapping file to use. If specified, this overrides all other means of obtaining the filename path.

On Linux, FHWEB-CLIENT_KBD_FILE=/home/someuser/KeyMappingFiles/MyCustomKeyMappingFile.kmf causes that exact file to be loaded. If that file is not found the internal version of the us.kbm keyboard mapping file is used.


Specifies the root path name to the keyboard mapping files. The kbd directory that contains the keyboard mapping files is expected to be in this directory.

Example: On Linux, FHWEB-CLIENT_KBD_FILE_ROOT=/home/someuser causes the file /home/someuser/kbd/xxx.kbm to be loaded, where xxx indicates the LAYOUT obtained from the following FHWEB-CLIENT _KBD_FILE_LAYOUT environment variable or automatically from the OS.


Specifies which LAYOUT (or file name prefix) to use. This LAYOUT name, along with the appended .kbm extension, is used as the file name.

Example: FHWEB-CLIENT_KBD_LAYOUT=MyCustomKeyMappingFile loads the file /ect/FH_Web/kbd/MyCustomKeyMappingFile.kbm.

If the above example for FHWEB-CLIENT_KBD_FILE_ROOT is also used, the file /home/someuser/kbd/
MyCustomKeyMappingFile.kbm is loaded. A subdirectory of the root path name to the mapping files can also be included here.

Example: FHWEB-CLIENT_KBD_LAYOUT=thinclient/us loads /etc/fhweb-client/kbd/thinclient/us.kbm, provided a different root path is not specified. This will override the LAYOUT obtained automatically from the OS.



Previous versions of the Linux client use the command-line argument -kb and the plug-in/applet parameter keyboard to inform the server of the correct keyboard layout.

Example: -kb 0000040C overrides the environment variable LANG = en_US and causes the server to use the French keyboard layout.

This is no longer recommended. Each keyboard mapping file contains the correct keyboard layout value that the server should use. Specifying a different keyboard layout with the command-line argument -kb or the plug-in/applet parameter keyboard could cause the keys to operate in undefined ways.

The command-line argument -kb and the plug-in/applet parameter keyboard can still be used to load an IME by specifying a layout text.