Setting the output level

FH Web Edition offers six log output levels, as follows:

  • 0: No output
  • 1: Errors
  • 2: Errors and events
  • 3: Errors, events, and warnings
  • 4: Errors, events, warnings, and diagnostic messages
  • 5, 6: Errors, events, warnings, diagnostic messages, and trace messages

The default value for the output level is 1.

Caution: Setting the log output value to 5 or 6 causes the host to generate very large log files and may adversely affect performance and scalability. These output levels should only be used in a controlled environment—preferably when no clients are accessing the FH Web Edition server.

  1. In the FH Web Edition Connection Manager, choose Tools → Host Options.
  2. Click Log.
  3. In Output level, type one of the numeric values listed above
  4. Click OK.