Performance auto-tuning

Performance auto-tuning is used when an application is generating a large amount of graphical data or when a client system has limited processing speed. When performance auto-tuning is enabled, the client machine reports the rate at which it is processing the data the host is sending. The host uses this information to reduce the total amount of data it sends by eliminating any graphical information that the client system is unable to keep up with, such as animations with a high frame rate, or by choosing to send an image of an application's contents rather than primitive graphical operations.

Performance auto-tuning allows any client to run even the most graphically intense applications. Performance auto-tuning is disabled by default. You can enable performance auto-tuning for all clients connecting to a host.

  1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\ACSXerox and create a backup of the HostProperties.xml file.

  2. In Wordpad, open HostProperties.xml and locate the following section:

    - <property id="ClientProcessingBatch" group="Miscellaneous" type="UINT32">

  3. Change the ClientProcessingBatch value from 0 to 1.
  4. Stop and start the FH Web Edition Application Publishing Service.