Application script support

Many Win32 applications were designed for installation on a client PC and run by only one user. When an application is deployed from a FH Web Edition server, multiple users need to be able to run the application simultaneously, and a number of problems may be encountered if the application is not ready for multiple users.

You should modify the application so that it properly supports multiple users. When it is not possible to modify the application, an application script may be used to perform the pre-launch configuration and post-shutdown cleanup required to allow the application to run in a multiple-user environment.

  1. Write a batch file that:
    • Performs the tasks necessary to prepare the application environment for a user.
    • Launches the application.
    • Performs any cleanup tasks required after the application shuts down. The batch file should end with an EXIT command, or the CMD.EXE process does not shut down.
  2. Publish the application script.
    1. Open the FH Web Edition Connection Manager.
    2. Click Tools → Applications → Add.
    3. In Application Path, type the path to CMD.EXE.
    4. In Command Line Options, type "/K filename", where filename is the full path of the batch file to be run.
    5. Type the application display name, and then specify an icon.
    6. Click OK.
  3. Test the application script.
    1. Launch one of the FH Web Edition clients, and then connect to the FH Web Edition server.
    2. Double-click the icon for the application script.

      The user interface of the application appears on the client display, and the application runs in the environment configured by the application script.

      Note: When an application script is launched using FH Web Edition, the CMD.EXE window appears only briefly.The application script cannot contain any prompts for user input.