Send an email message

You can send email messages to anyone logged into the same FH Mobile Response server you are using.

  1. (If you have not done so already) Log into the same FH Mobile Response server as the mobile computer you want to send the email message to is using.

    Information on logging into an FH Mobile Response server is available in Log into an FH Mobile Response server.

  2. Open a new email message in one of these ways.

    • Choose Go → New → New Unit-to-Unit Message.
    • On the Main toolbar, choose Mail → New Unit-to-Unit Message.

    A New Message tab appears.



  3. In Subject and the body of the message, enter the information you want to communicate to the other client.

    Note: You can either type the message on a keyboard, our you touch the keyboard icon in the lower left corner of the tab and use the on-screen keyboard that appears to "write" or type text and insert it into the subject and body of the email.

    This feature is designed for touch-screen devices.

  4. In the lower left corner of the New Message tab, click Send.

    The message is sent to the clients you selected, and the New Message tab closes.