Define resource attributes

Resources are people, vehicles, equipment or any other valuable part of an organization that has the ability to be assigned to a given task or location. Resources can have a position on the map, can be assigned to an incident, and can be assigned to a task as a role within an organizational chart.

A resource attribute is a way to provide extra information about a specific resource, above and beyond what is provided by default in FH Mobile Response.

Example: Suppose you have defined both people and vehicles as resources in FH Mobile Response, and you want to include rank information for the people resources. By default, this information is not part of a resource's definition. You can add a resource attribute that contains the rank information (captain, fire fighter, lieutenant, and so forth) and associate it with the appropriate resource.

You can create a list of attributes for describing a resource listed in the Resource Browser.

Note: You must have purchased FH Mobile Response Premium to define resources for incidents in FH Mobile Response. You must have purchased FH Mobile Response Command Post to work with the Resource Browser.

For information on upgrading from FH Mobile Response Basic to Premium or Command Post, contact your FH sales representative.

  1. Choose Go → Config→ Options.

    The Options dialog box appears, displaying the Server tab.

  2. Click the Resource Attributes tab.



    On the left side of the tab, the Members list displays the list of vehicles, equipment and personnel (resources) that your unit or department uses to deal with incident, and the order these appear in.

    On the right side of the dialog box, the properties of the resource selected in the Members list appears.

  3. (Optional) Do any of the following.

  4. Click OK.