Understand the interface and data entry in it

Once you have logged into FH Medic and added a new incident, the interface is organized into several discrete components:

  • A menu under the FH logo
  • Tabs organizing data into large groups
  • Sub-tabs to further organize fields
  • A list of fields on each of the sub-tabs
  • A data selection/entry area for entering your data
  • Buttons for performing actions with your data

Tab Lets you record
Response Information about the incident itself, call times, National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) data, and a narrative.
Patient The demographics of the person, their past medical history, medications they are taking, allergies they may have, and insurance information.
Situation Information about the medical or traumatic complaint, the assessments, symptoms, and injuries.
Events The treatments and supplies used, and record the patient's vital signs.
Summary Disposition information record signatures, and add additional narrative information.

Tabs and fields with red text indicate required information when entering data for an incident. As you enter data for the required fields, the field names turn black. When all of the required fields on a required sub-tab have data, the name of the sub-tab also turns black. When all of the required fields on all of the required sub-tabs have data, the name and icon of the primary tab turns blue.

Note: As soon as you enter data, it is relayed to the server using a wireless connection, eliminating the need to "save" data as you work.

FH Medic is set up to help you enter data as quickly and efficiently as possible by grouping the data on tabs, sub-tabs, and fields. Tabs and fields with red text indicate required information when entering data for an incident.

By default, the incident data screen that appears is the Response tab, with the Incident Information sub-tab selected, and fields for entering location and incident data appearing on the left side of the interface.

When you click a field on the left side of the interface, depending on the type of data needed for the field and whether pre-defined values already exist in FH Medic, one of the following things appear for data entry.

Pre-defined values in FH Medic are set up by the FH Medic administrator. Information on defining these values is available in the FH Medic Administrator's Guide .

After you provide data for all of the fields on a sub-tab, FH Medic automatically moves on to the next sub-tab of fields. After you provide data for all of the sub-tabs on a tab, FH Medic automatically moves on to the next tab of data needed. In this manner, you can enter the data for an incident with a minimum of clicks and keystrokes.