Backup your FH database

Warning: Before beginning, verify that all FIREHOUSE Software users are logged out, and that FIREHOUSE Software is not running.

  1. Choose Start → Programs → FIREHOUSE Software → FIREHOUSE Software Backup Utility.

    The Login Required - FIREHOUSE Software dialog box appears.

  2. Enter the administrative username and password for FH in the Login Required - FIREHOUSE Software dialog box, and then click OK.

    The Backup/Restore - FIREHOUSE Software dialog box appears. Depending on whether you are using FH Standard or FH Enterprise, different tabs are available in the dialog box.

  3. Depending on whether you are using FH Standard or FH Enterprise, do the corresponding steps below.

  4. Click OK.

    Progress updates appear on your screen. This process may take some time if you have many records or a large database.

    Note: If you encounter errors and need assistance, contact FH® technical support.

  5. Continue with Decide whether to map existing codes or replace your code set with the NEMSIS code set.