Administrative Options General

General administrative options control how dates and phone numbers are formatted, whether individual user preferences and macros are allowed, when your fiscal year begins, whether spell-check is automatically run, general security options and password complexity rules.

  1. Select the Administration menu, Administrative Options option.
  2. Click the General tab.
  3. Specify Formatting area options.

    1. Check Use Windows Control Panel date format to use the date format specified in Windows Control Panel.
    2. Check Show Century to include the century.

      Example: 1999 instead of 99.

      This information is included in the underlying database regardless, but will not be displayed in data entry forms unless checked.

    3. Specify Date Format (not available if you are using Windows date format).

      If available, select how dates are displayed throughout the system. MM/DD/YYYY will display April 1, 2004 as 04/01/2004. DD/MM/YYYY will display April 1, 2004 as 01/04/2004. YYYY/MM/DD will display April 1, 2004 as 2004/04/01.

    4. Select the Date Delimiter character used to divide date in the system.
    5. Select from three options: /, -, or ..
    6. Check Auto-format phone numbers to format phone numbers as ###-###-#### for ensuring consistency among phone numbers.

      International users should disable this option if they do not use the ###-###-#### phone number format.

  4. Specify Network & Multi-User options.

    1. Check Attempt login from network identity to automatically log into FH using your network identity.

      An FH login matching the network login must exist. This feature does not work on all network types.

    2. Check Allow individual user preferences to allow individual users to have their own unique desktop settings.

      When enabled, each user can define the settings normally specified from the Workstation Options form General section. User preferences (when enabled) are accessed from the Tools menu, then User Preferences option.

    3. Check Allow individual user macros to allow individuals to create and maintain their own user macros.

      A macro is a saved set of defined keystrokes that are launched by a user defined key combination.

  5. Check Disallow batch updating of contacts to disable the prompt to batch-update all contacts to match the currently displayed contact, when you modify a contact and other contacts in the record area exist.

  6. Define Fiscal Year.

    1. Specify the Month that your fiscal year begins (if other than January).
    2. Specify the Day that your fiscal year begins (if other than 1).
  7. Specify spell-checking options.

    1. Check Auto spellcheck narratives/notes on save if you want all notes and narratives in a record to be spell checked when you save the record.
    2. Press Options to set spell-checker settings.

      Information on spell check option is available in SpellCheck Options.

  8. Specify Security options.

    1. Check Require passwords to require a password to access FH.

      Tip: We recommend that this option be enabled.

    2. Check Allow workstation to be locked to allow the Lock Workstation option (File menu, Lock Workstation option) to be used.
    3. Check Inactivity timeout after and specify the number of minutes for the program to timeout.

      When the program times out, you must enter a valid user name and password to reenter the program.

      1. Select Prompt for password reentry to lock the workstation and require a password for reentry.

        The timed out FH occupies an FH license.

      2. Select Logoff user to log the user out of FH.

        Unsaved changes are lost when the program times out. The timed out FH does not occupy an FH license.

    4. Check Audit failed logins after and specify a number of attempts to lock the program after a certain number of login attempts.

      If the number of attempts are exceeded, the program adds a failed login attempt to the audit log.

  9. Specify Password Complexity Rules.

    1. Check Minimum length then specify the shortest password allowed to require that passwords are a certain length.
    2. Check Require change every then specify the interval in days that users are required to change their passwords.
    3. Check Must contain letters + numbers or special chars to require that passwords include a combination of letters and numbers or special characters.
  10. Press OK to exit and save changes.


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