Add Staff Administrative Information

Add and edit confidential administrative information about the member. This is a high-security area with additional access control through individual user security. EMS Certification # and EMS Certification Level may be required if your state requires EMS incident reports.

  1. From the File menu, select the Staff Members option.
  2. (If the Staff form is displayed) Press Browse (or Ctrl + O), highlight a record, then press OK.
  3. (If the Query form is displayed) Highlight a record, then press OK.
  4. Click the Additional Records tab.
  5. Press Administrative.
  6. Enter general administrative information.
  7. Press Insurance to add insurance details for the staff member.

    Tip: If insurance records have already been added, press Add.

    1. Add available insurance information.
    2. Press New to add additional insurance records.
    3. Save and close when finished, then press Close.
  8. Press Pay Rates to enter details about pay rates.

    Tip: If pay rate records have been added, press Add.

    1. Add an actual pay rate by entering the effective date range, selecting Actual Pay Rate then entering a value in Pay Rate.

      You also select whether this rate is hourly or salary. Default pay is used when activities for the member are entered, and pay scale is not entered.

      Example: If a staff activity is entered with 3 hours in the Hours Paid field and no pay scale code is entered, the member will be paid for 3 hours at the default rate. If $10 is the default rate the member is paid $30.

    2. Add an hourly cost/billing rate by entering the effective date range, selecting Hourly Cost/Billing Rate then entering a value in Hourly Cost.
    3. Add a pay scale rate by entering the effective date range, selecting Pay Scale Rate then entering the Pay Scale code and the Pay Scale Amount.
    4. Save and close when finished, then press Close.
  9. Press Casualty Reports to enter non-incident casualty reports for the staff member.

    The Fire Service Casualty Report form is displayed (also used for incident reports when there are fire service casualties). When accessed from the staff member record, the casualty report will not relate to any specific incident. Casualties can also be added from the Staff Activities or Training Class records.

    • Save and close when finished, then press Close.
  10. Press EMS Exposures to display a list of EMS exposures for the staff member.

    EMS exposures are added from the EMS Search/Rescue Report form, Patient/Victim Information form.

    1. Highlight exposure then press Open to review.
    2. Save and close when finished, then press Close.
  11. Click the Notes tab and add staff administrative notes.
  12. Press F7 to spell check entered text.
  13. Save and close record when finished.


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