Export Department Information

Most states require department information before they accept NFIRS 5.0 transaction files. The department information includes basic information about the department including FDID, number of firefighters, and number of stations, and a listing of department personnel and units.

Information on what is included in the department information file is available in Department Information.

  1. From the File menu, select the NFIRS 5.0 Incident Reporting option, then the Export NFIRS 5.0 Export Transaction File option.

    The NFIRS 5.0 Export Wizard form is displayed.

    Note: EMS Exports: The process for submitting EMS department information is essentially similar, with exceptions noted. EMS exports are accessed from File > EMS/Search Rescue Reporting > Export EMS Transaction File.

  2. Select Export Department Information Only, and then click Next>.
  3. Specify FDID.

    Leave blank to force all departments with unique FDIDs to export.

    Note: EMS exports should use Service Number instead of FDID.

  4. Press Next>.
  5. Specify file output options, and then click Next>.
  6. Specify how the department information file is to be treated after it is created, and then click Next>.
  7. Review the description of the process.
  8. (Optional) Press <<Back at any time to make changes.
  9. Press Finish.


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