Add Occupancy Violations

  1. From the File menu, select the Occupancy Management option, then the Occupancies and Preplans option.
  2. (If the Occupancy form is displayed) Press Browse (or Ctrl + O), select the record from the list, then press OK.
  3. (If the Query form is displayed) Select the record from the list, then press OK.
  4. Click the Inspections & Activities tab.

    Existing inspections and non-incident occupancy activities like plan reviews, public education, etc., performed at the occupancy are listed.

  5. Highlight inspection and press OK.
  6. Click the Violations tab to display the Inspection form Violations section.
  7. Press Add.

    The Violation Detail form is displayed. If there are outstanding violations for the occupancy, they are displayed.

  8. Select the outstanding violations you want to add to the inspection by tagging and pressing OK.

    Tip: To initiate or schedule an inspection without including outstanding violations, press Cancel.

  9. Press Add, Auto-Add, or Edit.
  10. Add the violation information.

    The Violation Detail form is displayed.

  11. Enter the violation details, including the following dates.

      Reported Sched Recheck Actual Recheck Next Recheck Date Repaired
    1st Inspection Date violation discovered Leave empty Leave empty If violation not fixed or no variance is issued, enter date for next inspection Repair date, if applicable
    2nd Inspection Reported date from previous inspection Next recheck date from previous inspection Date inspection actually occurred Same as above Repair date, if applicable
    And so forth... Same information as 2nd inspection until the violation is repaired, or a variance is issued.
  12. Press Save.

    If there are outstanding violations, and the date entered in the Next Recheck date field is greater than the system date, you are prompted to create a scheduled inspection (or inspections) for the date entered in Next Recheck.

  13. Press Yes to create a scheduled inspection.

    The Create Scheduled Inspection form is displayed.

  14. Press OK.

    You are prompted to print the Violation Notice form. This form lists the violations discovered in the last completed inspection.

    You have finished entering the inspection, and a follow up inspection has been scheduled for the date entered in Next Inspection.