Add Needed Fire Flow

Needed fire flow is an estimate of the amount of water that should be available for a specific occupancy. The required fire flow GPM figure is calculated based on a formula developed by ISO ("Guide for Determination of Needed Fire Flow", Edition 10-2001, © 2001 ISO PROPERTIES, INC., 2001). Additional information about needed fire flow and the role of needed fire flow in ISO's Public Protection Classification (PPC) Program are available at

  1. From the File menu, select the Occupancy Management option, then the Occupancies and Preplans option.
  2. (If the Occupancy form is displayed) Press Browse (or Ctrl + O), select the record from the list, then press OK.
  3. (If the Query form is displayed) Select the record from the list, then press OK.
  4. Click the Additional Records tab.
  5. Press Needed Fire Flow...

    The Needed Fire Flow form is displayed.

  6. Complete fields to estimate fire flow required for the occupancy in GPM.
  7. Press Worksheet... to calculate exposures and communication factor values to use in the calculation.
  8. Press Effective Area Worksheet to enter values to calculate the effective area to use in the calculation.
  9. Complete remaining required and applicable fields and add additional records as needed.
  10. Save and close the record.