Add Occupancy Owners and Contacts

You should add occupancy contacts if possible. Occupancy contacts can be owners, occupants, or keyholders.

Note: If you want to list occupants for the occupancy record, add occupants to the Owners & Contacts section.

  1. From the File menu, select the Occupancy Management option Occupancies and Preplans option.
  2. (If the Occupancy form is displayed) Press Browse (or Ctrl + O), select the record from the list, then press OK.
  3. (If the Query form is displayed) Select the record from the list, then press OK.
  4. Click the Owners & Contacts tab.
  5. Press Add.

    The Contact Detail form is displayed.

  6. At a minimum, complete either Last Name or Business name.
  7. Enter a Date Out value if the contact record is no longer active for the occupancy.

    When a Date Out is specified, the contacts can be filtered from the list of contacts on the Owners & Contacts section.

  8. Complete remaining fields and sections as needed, then save and close form.