Add Wildland Fire Report

The optional Wildland Fire Report may be used when the Incident Type is coded as a forest, woods, or wildland fire (Incident Type 141) or a prescribed fire (Incident Type 632). In these cases, the Wildland Fire Report would be used in lieu of the Fire Form (NFIRS-2).

The Wildland Fire Report may also be used for the following Incident Types (this should be in accordance with your state or local policy):

  • 140 - Vegetation fire, other
  • 141 - Forest, woods or wildland fire
  • 142 - Brush, or brush and grass mixture fire
  • 143 - Grass fire
  • 160 - Special outside fire, other
  • 170 - Cultivated vegetation, crop fire, other
  • 171 - Cultivated grain, crop fire
  • 172 - Cultivated orchard or vineyard fire
  • 173 - Cultivated trees or nursery stock fire
  • 561 - Unauthorized burning
  • 631 - Controlled burning (authorized)
  • 632 - Prescribed burning (authorized)

A prescribed fire that escapes management is a hostile fire. Incident Type is 141 “Wildland Fire.” A hostile fire cannot become a prescribed fire, but the management strategy (actions taken) may change.

  1. With the Incident Report displayed, access the Additional Reports section.
  2. Press Wildland Fire... .

    The Wildland Fire... form is displayed.

  3. Fill in the Wildland Fire Cause section.

    This block provides for the broadest classification of ignition causes consistent with the “General Fire Causes” adopted by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG).

  4. Fill in Total Acres Burned.

    This is a numerical expression of the total number of acres that were involved in the wildland fire.


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