Correct basic staff member dates

  1. In the Query dialog box, note the name of the column containing the invalid date.
  2. Select the record with the invalid date, and then click OK.

    The Staff dialog box populates with information about that staff member, and displays the information on the Basic tab.

  3. For the field corresponding to the column in the Query dialog box listing the invalid date, correct the date.

    Column name in Query dialog box Field name on the Basic tab
    Hire Date Hire Date
    Adjusted Hire Date Adjusted Hire Date
    End Service Date End Service Date
    DOB Date of Birth
    Rank Date Effective Date (to the right of the Rank field)
    Status Date Effective Date (to the right of the Status field)
  4. In the Staff dialog box, click Save.
  5. Continue with Check for invalid dates in staff member records.