Verify that required values exist

FH Inspector requires that you assign a shift and a company/unit for all inspections, and that the inspection be scheduled. Unscheduled inspections are not pushed from the FIREHOUSE Software database to the FIREHOUSE Software Cloud when the data is synchronized.

  1. Log into FIREHOUSE Software as a user with appropriate add/edit/view rights.
  2. For the type of inspection you want to perform, do one of the following.

  3. On the main FIREHOUSE Software toolbar, click Inspect.

    The Inspection dialog box appears.

  4. Open the inspection corresponding to the occupancy or hydrant.
  5. Verify that Shift, Unit, and Scheduled in the Inspection dialog box have values.

  6. Note the inspection type number in the Type field.

    You will need this inspection type number later to verify whether a checklist exists for this type of inspection.

  7. (If you made changes) Click Save.
  8. Repeat steps 2-7 for any existing inspections you want to use with FH Inspector.